Rem *** Attract Mode *** Rem Written by Chris 'To integrate it with your table, you need to do the following: '- Create a new collection called AllLights and add all lights and bumpers to the collection '- Add a timer called AttractTimer and set its interval to the value of your choice (I use 50). '- Change Table1 to the actual name of your table. It appears twice near the beginning of AttractTimer_Timer(). '- Make sure you disable the attract mode by disabling the AttractTimer when the game starts, and enable the AttractTimer again when the game ends. Dim AttractSequence Dim AttractStep Sub AttractTimer_Init() AttractSequence=0 AttractStep=0 AttractTimer.Enabled=True End Sub Sub AttractTimer_Timer() dim oLight dim SegWidth dim SegHeight dim LightToggle dim LightCount SegWidth=Table1.Width/10 SegHeight=Table1.Height/10 Select Case AttractSequence ' by Chris La Mantia Case 0,2: ' Blink lights For Each oLight in AllLights if Int((AttractStep Mod 4)/2)=0 then oLight.State=LightStateOn else oLight.State=LightStateOff end if Next AttractStep=AttractStep+1 if AttractStep>=32 then AttractSequence=AttractSequence+1 AttractStep=0 end if Case 1: ' Sequence lights LightCount=Int((AttractStep mod 6)/2) For Each oLight in AllLights if LightCount mod 3=0 then oLight.State=LightStateOn else oLight.State=LightStateOff end if LightCount=LightCount+1 next AttractStep=AttractStep+1 if AttractStep>80 then AttractSequence=AttractSequence+1 AttractStep=0 end if Case 3,5: ' Wipe right For Each oLight in AllLights if oLight.X>=SegWidth*(AttractStep-1) and oLight.X9 then AttractSequence=AttractSequence+1 end if Case 4,6: ' Wipe right For Each oLight in AllLights if oLight.X>=SegWidth*(AttractStep-1) and oLight.X=SegHeight*(AttractStep-1) and oLight.Y9 then AttractSequence=AttractSequence+1 end if Case 8,10: ' Wipe up For Each oLight in AllLights if oLight.Y>=SegHeight*(AttractStep-1) and oLight.Y=SegWidth*(AttractStep-1) and oLight.X+oLight.Y22 then AttractSequence=AttractSequence+1 end if Case 12: For Each oLight in AllLights if oLight.X+oLight.Y>=SegWidth*(AttractStep-1) and oLight.X+oLight.Y=SegWidth*(AttractStep-1) and SegWidth*10-oLight.X+oLight.Y22 then AttractSequence=AttractSequence+1 end if Case 14: For Each oLight in AllLights if SegWidth*10-oLight.X+oLight.Y>=SegWidth*(AttractStep-1) and SegWidth*10-oLight.X+oLight.Y14 then AttractSequence=0 AttractStep=0 end if End Sub