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shivaEngine (Feb. 21 2002)
shivaEngine - Final RC before release. This includes all the latest text files etc. Please bug test, and any changes you make, make sure I have a copy. Also, if any coding is changed, please make the changes in the tutorial.
Latest Changes - Build 1.8 (shiva unless noted)
- Major Layout changes and adjustments to make it nice and pretty. :) NEW
- New backdrop added NEW
- Additional files added, images used in this table example (only 2, the backdrop
and the shivaEngine logo, which can be removed in the backdrop editor) NEW
- Backdrop rearrangement and redo, with lights and text replaced NEW
- Added: Countdown goes faster with each countdown of bonus
- Added: Bonus Collect, which gives bonus value un-multiplied, then restores
the bonus and returns
the ball back into play. This replaces the original routine written by Cold1
- Added: Bonus Countdown by multiplier! (script 8a)
- Added: Converted some features into subroutines, so one line script calls
triggers that routine
New routines are getSpecial, GetExtraBall, TAdvMult(), BonusCollect
- Added new debug keys
- Changed: 3 lane with lane change by flippers changed to 5 lanes. Inner lanes
by flippers also control
lane changes. You now need 5 lights lit to make Multibonus. A new tutorial
has been written
for this separate from this file.
- Changed: 5x Multiplier now 4x
- Fixed: RampLoop Bonus scoring restored, was missing from previous version
- Fixed: LockKicker1 no longer drain ball on kickback.
- Fixed: No sound on 10 count
- Fixed Tilt Bugs and added new Tilt routines
* Bonus will no longer countdown after a tilt
* Kickers will just kick a ball back if tilted
* Bug fix - prevent Quickball/Ballsaver being triggered after a tilt and a
loss of a ball
* Tilt routines for targets, triggers and any other scoring feature in place
- Major script clean-up and rearrangement into code sections.
- New text file included for codes and subroutines used/needed for doing your
Table design, with descriptions and Timer details
- Tutorials written and added for Lane change and Bonus Collect, with code
- Code Snippet for Attract Mode, written by Chris
- QuickBall issues fixed. It now just pops the ball out back to the plunger
without triggering the bonus countdown or clearing any values if the ball
in play is less than 20 seconds. (Cold1) NEW
Trigon - Just a teaser and
a screenshot. Yes it will be released sometime...